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Whole Home Generator Permits and Approvals

January 13, 2025      

South Shore Generator Sales & Service - Kohler Home Generator

Homeowners can’t just call an electrician and ask them to install a generator. There are certain permits and approvals that need to be taken care of before a whole-house generator can be connected to the home. Building codes can vary greatly between states, counties, and even cities, which is why it’s helpful that Kohler dealers pull all necessary permits and hire reliable contractors for the homeowner, eliminating this often confusing and stressful step in the process of installing a standby generator.


Standby generators should be tied into the home by licensed, experienced electrical contractors only. To ensure this, your municipality may require an electrical permit. This permit ensures that the generator, its wiring, and the transfer switch are all installed correctly and safely. The building department will likely inspect the connections after their installation.


Before natural gas or propane can be piped out to the generator’s location, you may need to obtain a plumbing permit. The permit serves as permission but also somewhat verifies that the contractor knows what they’re doing when it comes to pipe fitting. The building department will probably check all of the fittings and pressure test the pipe to ensure everything is operating properly and safely.


Homeowners who live in residential communities might have to get approval for their generator from their HOA, or homeowners association. The HOA may have regulations about how large a generator can be, how loud it can be, and even what it looks like.

If you are considering a generator for your home, contact South Shore Generator Sales & Service and get started on your backup power plans!


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