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Is A Standby Generator Right for You?

January 20, 2025      

South Shore Generator Sales & Service - Generac Home Generator

Standby generators can add value to your home and safeguard your family by keeping power running in an emergency, but this always-on protection is expensive.

Your answer might just be yes once a storm knocks out your power -- yet again.

Unlike a portable generator, a standby generator is permanent. It lives on a gravel bed or concrete pad next to your house. There's no need to roll it out of the garage or shed in an emergency.

If the power goes out, an electronic switch automatically signals the unit to turn on, keeping essential household systems and appliances running even if you're miles away.

But always-on protection doesn’t come cheap. These systems start at about $2,500 and go as high as $15,000. Here’s how to decide if a standby generator is right for you.

When Permanent Standby Makes Sense

Think of a standby generator as an insurance policy. There's no telling when, or even if, you'll need it. Whether it's worth the investment depends on your personal situation, your tolerance for interruptions, and your budget.

If you live in an area with frequent, prolonged outages, rely on electrically powered medical equipment, or work at home and need to stay connected, a backup generator can protect you from a disruption you may not be able to afford.

If you live where hurricanes strike, a generator safeguards family members, especially children and the elderly, against the risks of sweltering heat.

If you own a second home, particularly in areas where temperatures regularly dip below freezing, it can protect your property when you're not around.

If you decide the benefits are worth the cost, here's how to proceed.

Assess Your Power Needs

Generators are sized according to wattage produced: The more watts, the bigger the unit -- and the higher the price tag.

Wattage usage varies from house to house. Your generator supplier or local electrician can do a wattage assessment. You can also get general guidelines from your local generator dealer.

Next, decide what you want your generator to power. At minimum, you can run an "emergency panel" of necessities -- say, a central air conditioning unit, the refrigerator, and a handful of lights and outlets.

Then there's whole-house power. A 3,000-square-foot house with two central air conditioners, an electric range, and a whirlpool tub might require as much as 25kW to 30kW.

A newer option is a "load-management system," a generator that can power everything in your house, just not all at once. Such a system could run that same 3,000-square-foot house with about 20kW, cutting power to nonessential circuits as necessary.

Consult the Right Professionals

Most of the time, your generator supplier will also provide setup service. That's a good option, because you know the installer will be familiar with your equipment.

A less expensive way to go -- and your only option if you've purchased the generator online -- is to hire a plumber to connect the unit to its fuel source (usually propane or natural gas, though some run on diesel) and an electrician to hook it into your house's power supply.

Make sure both pros are licensed and certified for the brand of equipment you're installing. They should also be familiar with local codes that govern such things as how close the generator can sit to the house, how big the fuel storage tank can be, and whether you need a permit.

Calculate Your Costs

Prices vary by brand and location.

Fuel also affects cost. You may need to plumb for a gas line, for instance, or purchase and install a propane tank.

Diesel units come with their own tanks, but diesel fuel is expensive and needs regular treatment so that it doesn't clog the engine over time. (Even if your generator never kicks in, it will burn about 10 gallons of fuel a year in weekly self-tests.)

Talk to your plumber and your utility company before you buy a generator to make sure you can get an affordable power source.

Once you're set up, you won't have to worry about being stuck in the dark or freezing cold again. What's more, a standby generator can add to your home's value, which should make you feel doubly warm all over.

If you are considering a generator for your home, contact South Shore Generator Sales & Service and get started on your backup power plans!


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