May 31, 2023
How do you plan to make the best of what could be a stressful situation?
There is something primitive to living through a power outage. No power means slowing life down by living in candlelight, self-entertaining. and having no access to modern conveniences like air conditioning, television or internet. Here are tips for enduring life without power.
- Conservation – Consumables in the refrigerator will stay cold up to 4 hours without power while items in the freezer can last up to 48 hours. Keeping the refrigerator doors closed as much as possible can prevent spoilage.
Meals should be kept simple. Keep in mind that cooking by candlelight will be a necessity. Plan some easy-to-make meals ahead of time and make sure you have the tools to prepare them.
- Plan Entertainment – Staying occupied can keep the family calm. Some good forms of entertainment include books, board games and card games, or group exercise.
- Communication – Remember to ration battery life for essential items when the power is out. Cell phone use should be limited to emergency calls or updates for concerned loved ones. To extend the battery life, turn off Wi-Fi or set the phone to airplane mode..
- Safety – If using a portable generator for emergency power, always operate the generator far away from any windows or other entrances to your home to prevent carbon monoxide from entering. Using an extension cord of 25-ft. or more can act as a “measuring tape” to ensure your generator is at a safe distance. If you experience symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning – headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing – leave the area immediately to find fresh air.
When refueling your portable generator, turn it off and let it cool down first. Some components, like the exhaust, can get very hot and cause a fire hazard during refueling if they’re not allowed to cool down.
- How Much to Backup – When running a portable generator, you can power multiple items at the same time based on unit size and wattage. Consider the ability to keep your refrigerator running while making coffee and powering a reading lamp. Bonus Tip: A portable generator with a 7.5 gallon gas tank can provide backup power for 9 to 11 hours when running at 50% load. Actual running time will vary by model. Visit Generac’s portable generator calculator to see what you can power.
- Meal Options – A perk to having a portable generator is the ability to temporarily power your microwave or crock pot for meals. Have a recipe on hand that affords you the option of cooking with portable generator power.
- Maintenance – If you have already invested in a home standby unit, performing required maintenance is key to ensuring your generator will operate as intended during a power outage. Consult your certified Generac dealer to make sure your generator is in top shape for the season.
- Consult an Expert – If you are considering an automatic home standby generator, it is best to consult an expert. South Shore Generator Sales & Service has a team waiting to help you make the best choice for your home and family.
- Invite the Neighbors – Having access to everyday conveniences gives you advantages. Invite the neighbors over for a home-cooked meal. They will appreciate your gesture and the comfort of air conditioning — or heat — even more.
If you’re ready to invest in home backup power, start by contacting South Shore Generator Sales & Service. An installer will review your system requirements, provide equipment advice and help you navigate the installation process.
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